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November 15, 2010

SBN ATL Interviews Shawn Michaels And Triple H On Sports And Wrestling

WWE's Triple H and Shawn Michaels conducted a lengthy interview with the SB Nation Atlanta sports website covering a number of wrestling items in the news. The following are highlights from their interview.

Triple H ripped TNA's Hulk Hogan related to Hogan using the WWE Hall of Fame as part of a storyline in TNA earlier this year. Hunter claimed he "heard" about the storyline.

"As far as the Hall of Fame goes, it's tough. We have a unique business, and we try to do a legitimate Hall of Fame. We try to honor the guys that deserve it. To the guys that go in, it's something special," Hunter said. "I heard Hogan shit on it, but I don't think anything's special to him except for money."

Hunter and Michaels also downplayed the possibility of Bill Goldberg being invited to the Hall of Fame ceremony next year, which will be held in Goldberg's home territory of Atlanta.

Hunter said: "Bill's trying to get into the Hall of Fame. If there's a rumor about him coming back, he probably started it. I've not seen any mention of his name."

Michaels chimed in: "You want to move on into the future. It's tough to not go back and get some big-name guys here and there, but I don't know about any of the older WCW guys. It might be good for a one-shot deal but where do you go from there? As a company, you're trying to move into the future. It'd be like bringing Michael Jordan back."

Hunter added later: "When you say, 'What about Goldberg?,' no offense to Bill, but you've got guys like Bruno Sammartino that were legends with longevity that should be in there, but they're holding out because they think they've got one more run. Just using Bill as an example, how many years did he wrestle? Not many."

Michaels chimed in again: "To me, he's not even in the ballpark. Not because he's not talented, but greatness doesn't happen in a few years. Greatness is established over a long period of time. We try to promote people and get them over, but you can't do it that quickly."

Regarding their WWE futures, Hunter said he's still rehabbing and hinted he'll be ready to return at the beginning of 2011. Michaels said he might consider working behind-the-scenes creatively if he gets bored of hunting.

"Got another couple months rehab-wise. I don't know how regularly I'll be back. We made a pact that if one of us didn't recognize it's time to quit, we'd tell the other one it's time," Hunter said. "It's a young man's business, and I'm cool with that. I have fun working with the other side of the business, and I don't kill animals or follow sports."

Michaels added: "Once you kill something, you'll be hooked. No, I miss the creative process, and eventually I'm sure I'll get tired of taking life in the woods."

Click here for the full interview.


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