PWInsider and The Wrestling Observer Newsletter recently noted that Leva "Blue Pants" Bates was likely done with WWE NXT after catching some backstage heat. The reports were that Blue Pants had heat for how over she got herself and for making comments about being more over than other talents. It was also noted that WWE officials kept using her because they knew she would get a big pop at "Takeover: Brooklyn" as the mystery partner for The Vaudevillains but once Alexa Bliss beat Blue Pants, that was supposed to be the end of her run.
Blue Pants didn't get the heat because of how over she was, but because there was a feeling that she did not appreciate the spot she had. She was often seen on her phone at and during NXT TV tapings, apparently not paying attention to what was going on.
There was also an incident during SummerSlam weekend in Brooklyn where Blue Pants became intoxicated in public. Following the SummerSlam pay-per-view, Blue Pants reportedly drank too much at an outing and acted highly inappropriate. There were WWE Corporate employees from Stamford at the gathering and her behavior did not go over well. This incident led to her missing the flight back to Florida the next morning with the rest of the crew.

Since 2006
October 17, 2015
Rumor Mill - Backstage News On What Led To Blue Pants Getting Heat In WWE NXT, Brooklyn Incident
~ Kayfabe by
9:28 PM
Labels: Divas, Leva Bates, Rumor Mill, WWE, WWE NXT, WWE Womens Division
September 3, 2015
Rumor Mill - WWE NXT Talents Reportedly Not Happy With How Blue Pants Is Being Used
Indie wrestler Leva Bates, known in WWE NXT as Blue Pants, reportedly has a lot of heat on her right now from others in NXT.
According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there is said to be resentment over how the company brought her to Brooklyn for the NXT Takeover angle with Alexa Bliss, an angle that any of the Divas would have wanted to be in, that she sells her own merchandise and doesn't have to split a cut and that she's not under contract so she doesn't have to go through the daily training at the WWE Performance Center.
There is also reportedly resentment over how she's still able to work indies and because she's increased her fees on the indies, talents believe she's making more money than they are, and being pushed more than they are, then getting over more than they are.
~ Kayfabe by
8:48 PM
Labels: Divas, Indy Wrestling, Leva Bates, Rumor Mill, WWE NXT, WWE Womens Division
July 14, 2015
Blue Pants On Her WWE NXT Future, If There's Been Jealousy Over Her NXT Reactions, More
Leva Bates, known to WWE NXT fans as Blue Pants, recently spoke with Rolling Stone. The full interview is at this link. Below are highlights:
How did NXT happen? Did they contact you?
They have a recruiting page online, and I filled it out and they got a hold of me through that. Actually, my first time I did anything with WWE was being a Rosebud. So when they called me for NXT, I assumed it was another Rosebud gig, which I was all for. Then they told me I was going to be on NXT doing a match. That's kind of how it went down. They actually called me the day of the show, so thank God I was local. I ended up just leaving Universal and going straight there.
Are you surprised you've become a Full Sail favorite?
It was definitely unexpected. I didn't expect to be called Blue Pants, I didn't expect it to catch on like it did. And then when I got called back the second, and even third time, I didn't expect for the chants to keep happening. Whenever I get those "Blue Pants" chants, it just blows my mind. I think part of it was Carmella though, whenever her character would be disgusted with me, and then I'd come out all excited, the crowd just ate it up. It really was just right place, right time; the stars aligned, and now the sky's the limit.
Some wrestlers are concerned that if they are enhancement talent on a regular basis, that's what they become. Are you worried about that?
Not really. I'm getting a lot more attention now. I've gotten more opportunities in wrestling, my fans have increased, a lot of doors have opened for me. I still do a lot of things outside of NXT, and people get that. Some of my fans have actually gotten more upset about that than me. They talk about how I'm not Blue Pants, I'm Leva. But I really don't mind it. I have a lot of creative ideas, and I don't think Blue Pants will hinder those ideas, even if they get to know me as her.
Have you sensed any jealousy backstage in regards to the reactions you're getting?
No, not at all. I do hear a lot of disbelief that I'm as over as I am, but everyone has been really nice and supportive. One person even told me that I make superstars, or villains, which was really cool. Everyone has been super nice; they even celebrated my birthday the last time I was there. All of that caught me off guard. That was incredibly heartwarming. The thing is, if one person succeeds, it proves that success is possible. Everyone just stays positive there, which is great for me, since I'm a super-positive person.
I know that you've started to get used on the house shows for NXT, instead of just the TV tapings. Has there been any talk of getting a developmental contract?
We've talked about doing more house shows in the future, which is a lot of fun. I think I'm kind of creating something new with them. I'm sort of a free-agent regular. I can do my things, but also appear on their shows. If they do offer me something though, that would be awesome. If they don't, that's still great, because I get to live my dream. I get to work with WWE. That's always been a dream of mine. I'm just looking at everything positively. You have to enjoy the moment. I could be sitting here concerned about if they're going to be offering me a contract or not. Instead, I'm enjoying every time they're calling me. I can say I've won a WWE match now! I can cross that off my bucket list. I got to wrestle the NXT champion! I got be on Raw! Cross all that off my bucket list. Instead of worrying what comes next, you have to enjoy what you've accomplished so far. I think so many people, especially wrestling fans, are concerned about what comes next. I don't know what's going to happen, I just ride the moment. You never know when it's going to end. I've had an awesome ride.
March 4, 2015
The unexpected virtue of Blue Pants: NXT's cult phenomenon breaks her silence
Who’d have thought that among the outsize personalities and outlandish competitors brewing down in WWE NXT, one of the most beloved would turn out to be a plucky Diva in blue pants named, well, Blue Pants?
Initially brought in as a local competitor to help Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady’s protégée Carmella fine-tune her skills in the ring, "Ol' Blue Pants" immediately took on a life of her own, amassing a cult following more or less on the spot. Over the next couple of months, Blue Pants would continue to make sporadic appearances in NXT, eventually defeating Carmella before trying her hand at the freshly crowned Women’s Champion, Sasha Banks. Blue Pants hasn’t been seen on WWE TV since that day, but caught up with the woman behind the phenomenon — independent competitor Leva Bates — to discuss how Blue Pants was born, where the blue pants themselves came from, and whether we might see her as a more permanent fixture down the line.
So without further ado, Blue Pants, come on down!
WWE.COM: You are a longtime veteran of the independent scene. How did you end up on NXT as Blue Pants?
BLUE PANTS: I actually filled out the recruit page, because you always hear, “Hey, fill out the recruit page,” and I got a call asking if I would be interested in wrestling a match at NXT! So, of course, I said yes. [Laughs] I ended up getting called, and the name Blue Pants actually came about [when] I was stretching near the ring. At that point I was told I was going to wrestle Carmella, and Enzo & Cass were brainstorming an [intro] just off the top of their heads. They were like, “Maybe we should call her out, the girl with the blue pants.” I laughed about that, I just thought it was really funny. I went, “Absolutely! Do that!” I was just wearing the pants to roll around in, I wasn’t sure I was going to actually wrestle in that outfit. I have a crazy amount of costumes. I always over-pack so I have hundreds of things with me. I just put the blue pants on real quick to roll around in the ring, stretch, kind of get comfortable and it just stuck … that’s how Blue Pants was born, and I just embraced it!
WWE.COM: The NXT Universe is pretty supportive of everything on the show, but did you expect to catch on the way you did right out of the gate?
BLUE PANTS: No, absolutely not. It caught me off guard. I figured I’d have a little bit of a reaction considering I’m from Orlando and I wrestle a lot in the Central Florida area. I figured some of these people will probably recognize me, but the overwhelming reaction I got, I don’t know if they just thought the name Blue Pants was funny, or if they recognized me or some combination of the two, but it completely caught me by surprise. It was a nice, pleasant surprise.
WWE.COM: Who came up with the idea of having Big Cass sing “The Price is Right” theme song as your entrance music?
BLUE PANTS: I wanna say that was right on the fly. “Coming from the clearance rack,” I think that was probably the first thing that popped in his head. I gotta give him credit, he did that and the crowd went nuts. My character’s very happy, very fun, lives in the moment, for the now, for the fun, so I kind of embraced it. Instead of getting mad and going, “Ah, why are you making fun of me?” I’m like, “Yeah! What’s wrong with my blue pants, I love blue pants! I love this song!” and I started dancing. Cass and Enzo are really, really funny, so I played off of that … and we built it into what it was.
WWE.COM: Did Triple H say anything to you after those first few matches?
BLUE PANTS: The first time I came back he said, “You got a Blue Pants chant. I don’t even. I can’t,” and then he started laughing. I shook his hand and said, “Well, thank you for everything, I really appreciate this opportunity.” He said, “You’re welcome,” and then he just started laughing at my blue pants! That was kind of a really awesome moment for me, to make Triple H laugh.
WWE.COM: You most recently wrestled Sasha Banks in her first match as Women’s Champion and got a reaction on par with hers. How did that feel?
BLUE PANTS: It’s absolutely heartwarming and overwhelming in a good way. I’m so scared one day I’m going to come out and they’ll be like, “Alright, we’re over the blue pants,” but I feel like it just keeps growing and growing. I love the fans and I appreciate that. It really touched my heart, because I’m a fangirl at heart, too, so I know how it is when you’re like, “I love this so much, this is so cool!” To have that toward me is just mind-blowing. I’m still in awe of it, and very appreciative.
WWE.COM: Do you think we might see Blue Pants in a more permanent spot down the road?
BLUE PANTS: I would absolutely love that! I kind of go with the flow. If they want to keep calling me back, if they want to make it permanent, if they want to say, “Alright, the ship has sailed,” I will roll with it. Right now I could stress out about it, but you gotta have fun with it! Enjoy the moment as it happens, and that’s what I’m doing: enjoying every single second. If it continues to go on and becomes a permanent thing, hallelujah, that’d be awesome. Even if it doesn’t, I still accomplished a dream of mine. Actually a couple of dreams of mine! I got [to wrestle] for WWE, I got to wrestle in front of a huge crowd and I got to win in a match for WWE, so all of these dreams have happened! To keep pursuing it? Absolutely, I would love to do that. I’m just enjoying it while I can.
WWE.COM: If you do stick around, blue pants on would be kind of a layup.
BLUE PANTS: Yes! I would love that!
~ Kayfabe by
6:54 PM
Labels: Divas, Indy Wrestling, Leva Bates, WWE NXT, WWE Womens Division
October 18, 2012
2012 PWI Female 50 Revealed
The full countdown is as follows:
1. Gail Kim
2. Beth Phoenix
3. Cheerleader Melissa
4. Sara Del Rey
5. Jessicka Havok
6. Layla
7. Miss Tessmacher
8. Saraya Knight
9. Mercedes Martinez
10. Tara
11. Hailey Hatred
12. Natalya
13. Jazz
14. Velvet Sky
15. Madison Rayne
16. Mickie James
17. LuFisto
18. Winter
19. Tamina Snuka
20. MsChif
~ Kayfabe by
7:19 PM
Labels: Beth Phoenix, Cheerleader Melissa, Divas, Gail Kim, Indy Wrestling, Knockouts, Layla, Leva Bates, Lisa Marie Varon, Mickie James, Natalya, Sara Del Rey, Tamina