Diamond Dallas Page, a world champion-turned-fitness guru, will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2017 during WrestleMania 33 Week. The news was first reported by RollingStone.com.

Since 2006
February 20, 2017
Diamond Dallas Page to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2017
October 25, 2016
Daughters Of DDP, Hulk Hogan And Others Starting A New Wrestling Promotion
Diamond Dallas Page's daughter Brittany reveals that she's starting a women's wrestling promotion to go against TNA Impact Wrestling, along with Hulk Hogan's daughter Brooke Hogan, Lacey Von Erich of the legendary Von Erich family, Roddy Piper's daughter Ariel Toombs and Bianca Brigitte VanDamme, daughter of Jean-Claude VanDamme. She also mentions Christy Hemme being involved, apparently in an authority role.
Page says they have surprises lined up and are very excited about the project and that her dad will be involved because fans want to see the first generation vs. the second generation.
~ Kayfabe by
7:41 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, Hulk Hogan, Kerry Von Erich, Rowdy Roddy Piper, TNA
October 16, 2016
Top Names Set To Roast Booker T
The Roast of Booker T will take place on November 10th at Houston Improv in Houston, TX. The Dudley Boyz, Stevie Ray, Brother Love, MVP, Sharmell and others will be there to roast the WWE Hall of Famer. There will also be special video messages from The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam and Diamond Dallas Page.
~ Kayfabe by
6:57 PM
Labels: Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, Chris Jericho, Devon Dudley, Diamond Dallas Page, MVP, Rob Van Dam, The Undertaker
October 11, 2016
Nancy Grace Has Heated Exchange With Radio Hosts Over Wrestler Deaths, Walks Out Of Interview
Former HLN host Nancy Grace is no stranger to pro wrestling fans as her show covered various wrestling related deaths over the years. Most recently, wrestling fans called for Nancy's show to be canceled back in 2014 when she brought on Diamond Dallas Page for an interview and tried tying all wrestler deaths to steroid use. Page later told RadarOnline that Grace ambushed him:
"I was asked to go on her show and talk about Warrior the man. I was even given bullet points from her producers about the topics we would discuss. After seeing the topics which were pretty basic. I felt it would be great to go on and discuss the legend he was and how I got to know him. With that being said, I wanted to share a story that when Warrior came back to wrestling back in the WCW days he sat myself and Bill Goldberg down and said he was watching all the fun we were having and wanted to be a part of it again. To hear him tell me that was the coolest thing. The Ultimate Warrior returning to wrestling because he was watching our stuff? How awesome is that! Fast Forward 18 years later to this past weeks WWE Hall of Fame speech. I mean The guy gave my DDP YOGA a shout out like four times during his speech simply because he was happy it was helping people and obviously he didn't have to do that. It just goes to show the man he was. What hurts is the fact that I couldn't say thank you to him for it. I went looking for him but couldn't find him. I wanted to call him but never got the chance. That's the Warrior that I wanted to discuss on her show. However, it's clear I was ambushed. Everyone has been asking me what would I say to Nancy Grace now after she had me on. The answer is easy. I don't need to say a word. Look on all the social media sites, the fans are saying it all!! I will not change who I am because of the way others act. Its just not me. However lesson learned."
Grace, who recently left HLN, appeared on The Jim & Sam Show with Jim Norton and Sam Roberts earlier today and walked out of the interview after a heated exchange. Roberts, who is a big wrestling fan, brought up Nancy's interview with DDP. The exchange that followed went like this:
Roberts: You took a lot of heat too, for the report you did when The Ultimate Warrior died and you brought on DDP the wrestler, and you were talking about wrestlers dying of steroids and drug overdoses, things like that. When steroids weren't involved in The Ultimate Warrior's death...
Grace: No they were not.
Roberts: And on the people you listed, you listed a whole bunch of wrestlers that had died before they were 40. Some of the wrestlers you listed, one of them had fallen from the ceiling, one of them had been shot, there were all these guys, all these names...
Grace: I don't think it was ever said that those guys died from steroid overdose.
Roberts: No, but you said that there's...
Grace: Early deaths and untimely deaths in wrestling history.
Roberts: But you established the argument that there's drug abuse and steroids, then you said... here's a list of wrestlers that died young. So you didn't say that's why they died...
Grace: I really believe that professional wrestlers are not protected. I think everybody gets a big kick out of watching them and whether the wrestling is real or not, people love watching it. I think that those wrestlers, those women and men that go in the ring are not protected. I don't think anybody is ever looking out for them and I think that they are used badly.
Roberts: So if that was your intention and of course I can believe you on that, you're telling me that, what goes through your mind when a lot of wrestlers see your report and come back at you with venom, saying you're not representing us, you're not telling our story and what you're portraying isn't happening.
April 24, 2014
DDP Says He Was Setup By Nancy Grace, Reveals What He Was Told the Show Would Focus On Before He Went On the Air
Diamond Dallas Page recently appeared on The Undisputed Wrestling Show and he spoke on a number of topics, including DDP Yoga and his now infamous interview with Nancy Grace.
The following are some highlights:
On Nancy Grace:
"First of all, I wanted to leave. Oh my god, this woman was so nice to me when I walked in there. Once she started hitting me with that deal, I got scared. I go 'Oh my god, she set me up, so should I get up and walk away? How is that going to make the business look?' I breathed, I focused on breathing.
"The only thing I could think of at that time was that WWE has the best wellness program, better than the NBA, NFL, MLB, so I think that is fighting for the company. I thought about firing back at her (Nancy Grace), but it was a really weird situation. I can't put that b—h over. I can't talk about her anymore, I want to strangle her. The last thing I want to be is in that position. The way it was told to me is that I saw four questions. I said 'I don't know about this' and Nancy Grace said 'No, it's gonna be a feel good piece.' When I walked in there, she was so sweet to me. She totally set me up."
On the graphic shown by Grace of wrestlers who died young:
"I never saw that! That totally blindsided me. I will never do that b—h's show again, I can guarantee you that!"
April 10, 2014
Diamond Dallas Page Issues Statement On Nancy Grace Show Appearance
Diamond Dallas Page has issued the following statement regarding his appearance on Wednesday night's Nancy Grace show on CNN:
"I went on Nancy Grace last night expecting to discuss Warrior the man. Had I known the only topic discussed would be steroids I would not have participated. At the time I was also unaware of the list that was shown to the viewing audience. To imply that all of the wrestlers on that list died from steroids was wrong and for that they owe the families an apology. Again, my only intention was to discuss Warrior the man and share some stories about how dedicated he was to the wrestling business. I am saddened that was not what happened and my thoughts remain with his family. - DDP"
As previously reported, Grace repeatedly insinuated that Warrior's death was caused by steroid use, and she also provided a list of wrestling talent that she claimed had died as a result of steroid use. Some of those talent included Owen Hart, Joey Marella, Brian Hildebrand, and others who had actually died of other causes. Wrestling fans have been in an uproar since Grace's show and her comments Wednesday night, and a Change.org petition has also been launched by a fan calling for CNN to remove Grace from their network because of her coverage of Warrior's death, as well as her incorrect statements.
~ Kayfabe by
2:30 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, Owen Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Wrestling News, WWE
Recap of DDP on Nancy Grace Tonight; DDP Praises WWE’s Wellness Policy Amidst Grace’s Attempts to Link Warrior’s Death to “Steroids & Drugs”
Former WWE star Diamond Dallas Page appeared on Nancy Grace tonight to speak on the death of the Ultimate Warrior.
Grace began with the news recap of Warrior's death, then continued to reiterate an overly-dramatic subliminal message throughout the segment that "rumors of steroid and drug use are swirling" in the case of Ultimate Warrior's death.
To my knowledge, there hasn't been a single media outlet that has linked steroid or drug use to the sudden death of Ultimate Warrior.
Grace brought a doctor onto the show to discuss the long term effects anabolic steroids have on your body, and the lasting problems they can cause even if you've stopped using them long ago. This was clearly Grace's indirect way to blame Warrior's past steroid use (which he has admitted to) for his death yesterday.
At one point in the segment, she listed numerous pro wrestling names who have died young, and attempted to group them into the same "steroid" umbrella that she was using against Warrior, even if some of the names she mentioned had never been linked to steroid use.
DDP talked briefly about wrestlers using steroids in the past, but praised WWE's Wellness Policy for getting guys like Scott Hall and Jake Roberts the help they needed to get their lives back on track following their past drug use.
Grace continued to reiterate "rumors of steroid and drug use are swirling," and then introduced a correspondent who spoke on the "catastrophic medical condition" Warrior suffered yesterday. Grace asked for clarification of the phrase "catastrophic medical condition," but the correspondent said nothing else is known at this time. She did mention most people believe the cause of Warrior's death to be a heart attack, but those details remain unconfirmed.
DDP mentioned Warrior's vigorous workout habits, and noted he was a very intense man, but added he is not a doctor, and cannot speak to the truth of any drug or steroid related causes of Warrior's death.
The segment closed with Grace reiterating, for the hundredth time, "rumors of steroid and drug use are swirling," and at this point she's said it so many times she has to be the person who started the rumors, and is continuing to "swirl" them.
~ Kayfabe by
1:30 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, Owen Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Wrestling News, WWE
April 4, 2014
Interview with Diamond Dallas Page
March 23, 2014
Diamond Dallas Page Defends Triple H, Talks About His HOF Speech for Jake Roberts and More
His WWE Hall of Fame induction speech for Jake Roberts:
"Now I know it's gonna be the strongest shit I've ever said and I will have something planned that I'm gonna say. I'll know what I'm going to say before I go up there, doesn't mean I'm going to say it!"
Triple H:
"Paul Levesque aka Triple H has been one of the most solid guys I've ever met in this business so nobody can talk shit about him around me. You may have your own beef with him, whoever it is but no one who don't know ain't got nothing to say about him around me because he's always been a stand up guy to me."
Ric Flair:
"I love the guy, I don't want to have heat with him, fuck that!"
~ Kayfabe by
10:16 AM
Labels: CM Punk, Diamond Dallas Page, Jake The Snake Roberts, Ric Flair, The Shield, Triple H, WWE, WWE Hall of Fame
January 24, 2014
DDP On Who Made Jake Roberts' WWE Return Happen, Scott Hall, If He Would Wrestle In WWE
MLive has an interview with Diamond Dallas Page, who will host a DDP YOGA workshop Saturday morning from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Funk Fitness, 50200 Dennis Ct., in Wixom, MI. The workshop costs $75 and includes background on DDP YOGA, an actual workout, plus a Q&A session. You can get more details at this link. Here are some highlights from the interview:
If Scott Hall is still doing the DDP YOGA program:
Yeah, Scott is still doing it. He does a little bit of everything. He still calls my (expletive) yoga, which still pisses me off. You don't call DDP Yoga 'yoga!' It's not yoga. It's a form of yoga. The really cool yogis love what I'm doing; the stuck up ones don't get it. It like 'You're right, it ain't real yoga, it's DDP Yoga (expletive)!'
Jake appearing on Old School RAW:
It was amazing, and the fact Triple H and Vince McMahon were responsible for it all! Not only did they believe in me enough to know that Jake was right, but they saw it. They heard it from me first, and my ass was on the line (laughing). But I know it wouldn't turn into a disaster. When Vince McMahon let me do my own mini have fun infomerical in the show he paid me back times ten for anything he's ever owed me. That's the way I look at it. If we get lucky enough, and Jake actually gets inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, it will be unbelievable. It would be part of an amazing story. You know we started a movie? We started it 16 months ago and call it 'The Resurrection of Jake the Snake.'
Our goal, by the grace of Vince McMahon - if he gets Jake in the Hall of Fame - would be to release the movie by the next WrestleMania. That would be the goal. Our goal is to take it to (expletive) Sundance (Film Festival). Our goal is to get a (expletive) Oscar! People went bat (expletive) about Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler' … let me show you the real wrestler! Let me show you the guy who almost killed himself, the guy who ODed on something. Let me show you how in 16 to 18 months time he turned his life around.
If he would return to action in WWE:
Nope, nope, nope. I hope it's never offered to me. He's the man right now, that man being Randy Orton. I love to watch him wrestle. Randy and I have been tight since he was 22. If this was 10 years ago, it would make sense. But I'm 57. I don't want it offered to me because I'll do it. I'm 57, I want to stay strong and healthy.
~ Kayfabe by
6:49 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, Jake The Snake Roberts, Scott Hall, Triple H, Vince McMahon
November 14, 2013
George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Class of 2014
The WWE Hall of Fame is not the only major professional wrestling hall of fame, and the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame just announced their 2014 class. According to PWS on Nov. 12, the 16th annual induction ceremony will take place in July 2014.
Outside of inducting members, the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame gives out a number of awards to its inductees including the Frank Gotch Award for work outside the ring, James C. Melby Award for wrestling journalism, Lou Thesz Award for public service and the George Tragos Award for wrestlers in MMA.
The first year’s nominees included three of those men – Gotch, Thesz and Tragos - as well as Verne Gagne and Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Since then, names like Danny Hodge, Jack Brisco, Dan Severn, Jesse Ventura, Harley Race, Bret Hart, Nikita Koloff, Steve Williams, Curt Hennig, Ted DiBiase, Roddy Piper, Stu Hart, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Jim Duggan and Jim Ross.
The three men chosen by the selection committee to enter the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame this year are Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner and Wilbur Snyder.
Winning the four special awards are Larry “The Axe” Hennig (Lou Thesz Award), Diamond Dallas Page (Frank Gotch Award), Randy Couture (George Tragos Award), and Larry Matyski (Jim Melby Award).
~ Kayfabe by
8:38 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, PWHF, Randy Couture, Scott Steiner, Wrestling History
June 8, 2013
Jake Roberts Talks Royal Rumble Return, CM Punk, Turning RAW Around, DDP Yoga, Shane McMahon
Jake "The Snake" Roberts recently appeared on Wrestling Heels Radio. Here are some highlights:
Possibly returning at the 2014 Royal Rumble: "That's my dream. That's my dream. That's nothing they've said. I've been wanting to go back, man. Whenever I started losing the weight, whenever I started seeing the world again, whenever I started seeing progress in myself, when I seen – when I started dreaming again, man, dreaming of not so much getting back to the ring, at first. The dreams at first were taking a walk. I went and actually walked up Stone Mountain, man, few months ago, and I could not do that years ago even when, you know, I was in wrestling form, you know? It was a very tough experience."
Who he'd like to face in WWE: "I would wrestle Shane McMahon. I think I'd enjoy that, and I think it would be a match he could be proud of and that I could be proud of. There's lots of other guys – a few other guys. I say lots, but there's a few other guys I wouldn't mind being in the ring with. I think I could do something spectacular with [John] Cena, but here's the thing. I could do something spectacular with anybody 'cause Jake the Snake did that. I've proven that."
CM Punk's promos: "Well, he's trying to slow it down, but he doesn't get it yet. You know what, man? Here's the thing. We'll just throw this out here. WWE, Jake the Snake calling. I have a proposition, okay? Here's my proposition. You give me five weeks. Give me an hour a week with five guys, and I will significantly change not only them but I will change the look of Raw, in five weeks. I will do it by simply talking to them, by sitting them underneath the learning tree if you will and just casting it out there, letting them absorb what I give and I won't exactly remember everything I tell them that they'll get enough to change your product significantly. Trust me. Ta da."
DDP Yoga: "It's incredible, Bro. It is just incredible. I mean all the years I spent in gyms and, believe it or not, I did work out. I mean, there was a lot of sacrificing going to gyms. There's a lot of pain in trying to do too much weight 'cause you think that's going to make you bigger. No, it's going to – it might make you bigger for a short time until your injuries start to come up through it, but all those years, I was doing that stuff to my body and I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing, man.
"Back then, a workout you went in the gym and you pushed as hard as you could with as much as you could, and, of course, you supplemented that with powders and pills and steroids. You do get bigger, but at the same time, you're tearing your body apart, you know. See, god didn't make us to carry 300 pounds on are back. It's just been recently, in the last several years, that people have gotten into core strength, and that's the most important part, man. I mean, it was such idiots not to have learned it sooner because, I mean, the biggest part of your body is the trunk of your body, your chest and your waist and your abs.
~ Kayfabe by
12:07 PM
Labels: CM Punk, Diamond Dallas Page, Jake The Snake Roberts, Raw, Shane McMahon
January 7, 2013
Scott Hall To Battle Health Problems With Help From DDP
Scott Hall is to move into the home of Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) to fight his health and personal problems. Page is to help Hall through his DDPYOGA plan which is described on his website as "not traditional yoga, it’s a hybrid workout that incorporates some traditional yoga movements and adds dynamic resistance."
Jake Roberts currently lives with Page in Atlanta and has successfully lost over 50 pounds through DDPYOGA.
~ Kayfabe by
7:09 PM
Labels: Diamond Dallas Page, Jake The Snake Roberts, Scott Hall
October 14, 2010
MMA & Fitness Expo in Atlantic City, NJ
Guests include:
Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Bill Grant, American Gladiator "Fury", American Gladiator Beth Horn, April Hunter, Chuck Zito, JD Maverick, Joe Piscopo, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Rob Terry, and more!
~ Kayfabe by
10:29 AM
Labels: Celebrity, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, MMA, Sports
February 14, 2010
Top 10 Wrestling Couples
1. Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth
2. Triple H & Stephanie McMahon: The McMahon-Helmsley Era was a glorious one indeed. The couple’s reign in the WWF, which spanned the latter part of 1999 through 2000, was the main story line during a time when the WWF was at its peak both creatively and in popularity...More?
3. Edge & Lita
4. Edge & Vickie Guerrero
5. Tully Blanchard & Baby Doll
6. “Gorgeous” Jimmy Garvin & Precious
7. Triple H & Chyna: A facet of Triple H’s Connecticut-snob gimmick in 1995 was that he would always come to the ring accompanied by beautiful women. Two years later, Triple H settled on having just one woman by his side, and she looked nothing like the fashion-model types he had previously been hanging out with...More?
8. Diamond Dallas Page & Kimberly
9. Goldust & Marlena
10. “Exotic” Adrian Street & Miss Linda
source: ring posts
~ Kayfabe by
10:07 PM
Labels: Chyna, Diamond Dallas Page, Edge, Goldust, Lita, Miss Elizabeth, Randy Savage, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Vickie Guerrero
January 27, 2010
Interview with "Diamond" Dallas Page
August 21, 2008
An interview with DDP
It's probably safe to say the biggest come-out-of-nowhere wrestling superstar -- who, at what is considered a late starting age in wrestling, stayed in the business for more than 10 years and made a major impact -- is Diamond Dallas Page.
Now, DDP is heavily involved in yoga -- what he calls YRG...More?
source: news-journalonline.com
June 2, 2008
Wrestlers in the running for new reality show
Four big name wrestlers are among the finalists for the starring role in a television pilot centered around the life of an older celebrity. The finalists are Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Jake Roberts. Mick Foley was also a finalist, but was forced to back out when he accepted the color commentator position on SmackDown. At the moment, Nash appears to be the favorite for the role. The show will be called Hey Dude.
source: wrestlingobserver.com
~ Kayfabe by
7:30 PM
Labels: Celebrity, Diamond Dallas Page, Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley