Since 2006
September 17, 2016
5 Things that Triple H does better than Vince McMahon
February 3, 2016
10 Reasons Why WWE Owes Triple H
With his sneering persona and the fact he’s the current WWE Champion twenty years on from his debut, it’s easy to imagine why there are many who dislike Triple H. Even so, it’s absolutely amazing to think that there are those who would simply sum up his run in WWE as ‘he married the boss’s daughter and got lucky’.
To do so ignores so much great work, countless hours of dedication and a very real desire to succeed.
Due to the fact that the man won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, there has arguably never been a better time to analyse Triple H’s tenure with the company. Over the years, the guy has become so entrenched in the WWE system that it’s almost impossible to picture the company without him around.
That may seem like a sweeping statement, but just imagine how different things might be if Triple H hadn’t been around.
There would have been a sizeable hole in the main event scene for one, and several key facets WWE hope will provide a healthy future may not be in place at all. This article forgoes the usual viewpoint that Triple H is an egotist who never puts anyone over, and instead focuses on all the good things he has brought to the table since joining the then-WWF in 1995 and why he should be rewarded for his service.
10. Worked Through Hellish Injury To Finish A Match – Twice!
9. Shored Up Main Event Scene During Major Absences
8. Has That Old-School Touch Company Needs
7. Helping Get Ultimate Warrior In The WWE Hall Of Fame
6. The WWE Performance Center
5. Opened Vince McMahon’s Eyes To Independent Talent
4. NXT Was His Idea
3. Is About To Do Everything To Make Roman Reigns
2. He Put Daniel Bryan Over Cleanly
1. He Helped Make John Cena A Star
You can read the full article here.
source: whatculture.com
~ Kayfabe by
2:09 PM
May 10, 2014
8 Reasons Triple H Is The Greatest Wrestler Of All Time
Seriously y’all, I know I say this about a lot of guys, but Triple H is the greatest professional wrestler of all time. Yes, just last week I said it was Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, and before that I was kind of really into Cesaro, but I’ve finally come around to the truth: Triple H really is the King of Kings.
What’s that you say? You’d like to read a list of eight reasons why Triple H is the greatest professional wrestler of all time? Well, you sir, happen to be in luck…
One of the biggest knocks on Triple H these days is the idea that he’s holding down Daniel Bryan, putting his friends in advantageous positions and generally using his power as a high-ranked WWE official in an unscrupulous manner. To all of this I say, “GOOD,” and also add in a hearty “YOU’RE GETTING WORKED, BRO!”
Triple H is a heel authority figure involved in a storyline about a really popular wrestler being kept down by the man, so the fact that people are upset about Triple H “burying” Daniel Bryan means, you guessed it, that the whole thing is working exactly like it’s supposed to.
Hey, you like NXT, right? It’s short, to-the-point, has a bunch of wacky gimmicks, lets you watch the future stars of Raw and SmackDown, and has given you rad wrestlers like The Shield, The Wyatt Family and Big E Langston. Go ahead and direct your “thank yous” to Mr. Helmsley.
Since taking a more managerial role in WWE, one of Triple H’s priorities has been finding and developing the next generation of WWE talent, and by all accounts, he’s done a pretty stellar job, leading to a more stacked main roster than we’ve seen in years. Hell, even Sin Cara has magically put on weight, gotten a tattoo and stopped blowing spots.
Stone Cold is doing the best podcast pretty much ever, The Rock is flexing and starring in movies, HBK is tracking and killing every living creature on Earth as his bloodthirsty hunter god intended, Mick Foley is a comedian, Chris Jericho is picking up where 1988 Iron Maiden left off and to the best of my understanding, The Hitman is the most dominant warlord in the nightmarish apocalyptic landscape that is western Canada (not totally sure on that one).
Aside from the Undertaker, who wrestles, on average, 1.6 matches/year, Triple H is the only top-level Attitude Era star who’s still performing with the company. Given the type of punishment these guys receive on a nightly basis, it’s a huge achievement to be the last one standing, and really speaks to Trips’ longevity and adaptability.
As much as I love a lot of it, let’s be honest with one another, shall we? Most wrestling entrance themes are lousy and age terribly. Triple H bucks that trend by having had not one, not two, but three unique songs from speed metal pioneers Motörhead. They are, of course, The Game, Line in the Sand and the best of them all, King of Kings.
How did the former Connecticut Blueblood get so many custom Motörhead songs? Oh, well, it’s because he just so happens to be pals with the bands iconic lead singer and bassist, Lemmy Kilmister. How good of friends are they? So good that Lemmy even let Triple H borrow his signature friendly mutton-chops look.
Triple H is not just, in Good Ol’ JR’s words, as tough as a two dollar steak, he’s tougher than leather, as tough as nails and a slew of other down home cliches your grandfather used to say about your grandmother.
I could have probably filed this in as a subsection of HE HUNG AROUND, but I don’t really know this CMS that well, and besides: The dude tore his left quadricep muscle completely off the bone, but still had Chris Jericho lock him into the Walls of Jericho. He’s had other gnarly injuries too, but he always comes back as good as ever, usually with a totally bitchin video package of him training.
Here’s another one of people’s big knocks on Triple H — The idea that he doesn’t ever put anyone over and that he’s more inclined to “bury” someone than shine them up all pretty. First off, a loss doesn’t equal a burial, with many losses engineered to have the loser come out looking – if not as good as the winner – better than they looked before. Second off, how about back-to-back losses to the Undertaker at WrestleMania?
That’s not enough for you? How about tapping out to John Cena at WrestleMania 22, instantly making the Commander of the Chain Gang a tip-top-level talent? And even though he beat guys like Randy Orton and Sheamus at WrestleMania, both of them remain top-tier guys in their own right, benefiting greatly from their programs with The Game. Does Triple H put over everyone? No, and he shouldn’t, because if he lost to everyone, the losses would stop meaning anything, and after all, the dude’s a top-level talent. If you’re not getting that by now, go get yourself a glass of water, then come back and start this list again.
Triple H has the neatest gimmick pretty much hands down. He’s not just the asskicker who wears a leather jacket AND a denim vest (two distinct layers of badassery), but he also intermittently does a Conan (barbarian not late night) thing, lugs around a sledgehammer presumably to murder his opponents with, and on top of all of that, plasters Latin all over his t-shirts.
Wrestling t-shirts, like wrestling entrance themes, usually stink – they’re a blend of early 90s graphic design and cast-off Affliction-style tribal work. But add a badass phrase in Latin and I’m completely sold. At one point, one of his shirts translated to “Let them hate so long as they fear,” which is a quote from Caligula. Caligula, dog, CALIGULA. If you don’t get why that’s amazing, go read a book, then give yourself a wedgy for being both stupid and a newly-minted book-reading nerd.
I left this for last because it’s the most important. For all the accusations of nepotism and political opportunism, there’s only one thing you really need to know about Triple H: Dude can work a match.
Triple H is an amazing worker, able to sell well enough to get any crowd behind him, and vicious enough to get his heat at absolutely all costs. His matches are like a wrestling history lesson, as he picks some of the best parts of ring greats like Ric Flair, Harley Race and Killer Kowalski. Most telling however, are the opinions of his peers, all of whom rank Triple H amongst some of the finest workers they’ve ever stepped in the ring with.
source: guyism.com
~ Kayfabe by
10:00 PM
August 22, 2013
'Getting Ready for a Car Crash’: An Interview With Triple H
Last week, before Triple H was the special guest referee in the WWE Championship match between John Cena and Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam, before Bryan beat Cena cleanly in a magnificent match, before Triple H turned heel on Bryan and helped Randy Orton cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase to win Bryan's title, he sat down for an interview with Bill Simmons and me. The WWE superstar and real-life front-office executive gave us a peek behind the curtain and into the head of the man who might be professional wrestling's biggest enigma — as well as its future. Click here.
source: grantland.com
~ Kayfabe by
1:54 PM
Labels: Kaliqo, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Vince McMahon, WWE
August 20, 2013
Triple H reminded everyone tonight that he is one of the greatest heels in the business, and his performance was just spot on in every way possible
~ Kayfabe by
10:06 AM
July 11, 2013
A New Beginning for WWE
WWE today opened its world-class training facility that is the new foundation for WWE’s guaranteed success. As the new home to WWE’s talent developmental system, NXT®, the new facility in Orlando, Florida was officially unveiled at a press conference hosted by Paul “Triple H®” Levesque, Executive Vice President, Talent and Live Events, WWE, Stephanie McMahon, Executive Vice President, Creative, WWE, Florida Governor Rick Scott, Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs and Ken Goldstone, Chief Operating Officer, Full Sail University.
“The WWE Performance Center represents the guaranteed future success of our company, providing the next generation of WWE Superstars with a world-class facility to call their own,” said Paul “Triple H®” Levesque, Executive Vice President, Talent and Live Events, WWE. “The venue offers our developmental talent a full training experience with real time feedback from WWE coaches, trainers and doctors, giving them the resources they need to develop their talent both athletically and creatively.”
WWE Performance Center Key Highlights:
In-Ring Training Room
• 12,000 square-foot world-class training room with seven training rings
• Including one "show ring” with theatrical lighting and broadcast capability to provide developmental talent with a full training experience
• Connectivity between the Performance Center and WWE’s headquarters in Stamford, Conn., via closed circuit cameras will allow for real time feedback from WWE executives
Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation
• Best-in-class sports medicine facility with on-site medical care creating a central location for all WWE talent to receive the best care both in and out of the ring
• Dr. Michael Sampson, Medical Director, holds regular office hours
• Access to a full-time athletic trainer and full-time physical therapist whenever talent are training as well as a network of local specialists
Strength and Conditioning
• 5,500 square-foot state-of-the-art strength and conditioning room that will allow for daily training sessions for all developmental trainees
• Featuring cutting edge strength and conditioning equipment, cardio machines, medical rehab equipment and floor space for stretching and plyometric movement
• World-renowned strength coach Joe DeFranco will serve as a consultant
Promo Room
• A small, private studio that allows talent to practice on-camera techniques and work individually on character development and performance skills
• Capable of being operated by the talent themselves, this one-of-a-kind studio functions without technical personnel and is controlled using a simple iPad interface
Edit and Production Suites
• Cutting-edge edit and production facilities dedicated to creating improved TV performances for in-ring talent
• Flash (Pre-tape) Studio – a full-function, green-screen capable studio designed to allow talent to practice their TV presentation skills or to create content for NXT or WWE programming. The room features a Sony ENG style camera, studio lighting and high-resolution recording using AJA Digital recording hardware operated by production staff
• VO Booth – a practice room designed for announcers-in-training to work with WWE seasoned professionals to hone their live action announcing and play-by-play skills. The room allows for up to three announcers to work directly with an audio engineer to provide quick and easy record and playback functionality
~ Kayfabe by
7:26 PM
Labels: Kaliqo, Triple H, Wrestling History, WWE, WWE NXT, WWE Performance Center
March 26, 2013
Triple H’s 6 Rules of Success
This was written by Jim Smith, owner of Diesel Strength & Conditioning:
I met Triple H – Paul Levesque – last Sunday while he was training at DeFranco’s gym. He was getting ready to wrestle Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 29 and came in for the day to get a workout in with big Joe D.
As many of you know, Joe DeFranco has been training Paul for the past 3 years and has credited Joe with helping him get stronger, become more athletic, and move pain-free.
While Paul has had an unbelievable career over the years in the WWE, he has also been in the movies and inspired millions in the fitness industry with his countless fitness magazine covers and articles detailing his intense training routines.
Yes, all of his successes are impressive, but it is what I learned about him and from him during our brief conversations during that training session that really inspired me.
Here are the top 6 things I learned from Triple H.
March 22, 2013
Triple H and The "It" Factor in Pro Wrestling
From The Layfield Report:
Some guys just get it.
In the business of professional wresting, this is very important. You must get it, in order to fit in. You must understand it to succeed and you must have it to be considered among the greats. What is it?
Just ask Triple H.
For me, Triple H is the ultimate example of a guy who just gets it. From the first moment I saw him in WCW, to this past Monday Night on Raw when he attacked Paul Heyman through all the years in between, I have always considered Hunter to be a talent who was born to be a professional wrestler.
And that, my friends, is the “it” I’m talking about. It’s that one intangible, that quality that sets a worker apart from the rest of the pack. Sometimes it’s easy to explain, easy to see, and other times it’s not as obvious.
After all, not everyone is cut out for this kind of life. Many men and women have went down the pro wrestling road before, with big dreams and lofty aspirations, only to end up dejected and very disappointed.
What separates Triple H from those who have come and gone before? What makes him any better or more relevant than those who struggled to get noticed but just did not have the tools necessary to get where they wanted to go?
Just look in his eyes. That’s all you need to know.
~ Kayfabe by
8:07 PM
February 8, 2013
Paul Levesque Puts a Major Punctuation on his Emergence as the Heir to the WWE Throne with the Signing of Bruno Sammartino
Former WWE Executive and current TV producer Court Bauer (find him on twitter at @CourtBauer) exclusively provides Wrestling Inc. with insight on what went down behind the scenes at WWE concerning one of if not the most elusive and involved Hall of Fame/legends deals ever put together:
The way WWE deployed the Bruno story is VERY telling about the future of the kingdom and who will be positioned where. It was masterfully crafted. Levesque comes across like a revelation within the WWE organization, with the press releases and media he's done suggesting Paul Levesque is ushering in an era of advanced drug testing and a more wholesome environment for the talent. He also comes across VERY likable as well as a true mover and shaker. It's positively brilliant by WWE as the majority of people will find this to be a very good indicator of WWE's future post Vince McMahon.
Whether that's true or not, we shall see, but the reality is Paul Levesque put a MAJOR punctuation on his emergence as the heir to the throne with this move. This is not a game changer for their business or for WWE customers but it is very revealing. Plus, it gives shareholders and WWE's media partners tempered confidence in WWE's succession strategy.
Further cementing how confident Vince McMahon is in Levesque is the financials behind it. Bruno didn't come cheap. Numbers tossed around like $50,000 are erroneous and far, far removed from the real number that it took to close the deal. But that deal didn't come together easily for Levesque. He had to work for it and it didn't happen overnight. Levesque pressed Vince hard to make the deal happen for months and months, with Vince ultimately acquiescing. That's very telling. And yes, Levesque deserves the trust and various resources of Vince McMahon more than anyone else in WWE, perhaps ever.
Read the complete article here.
~ Kayfabe by
8:54 PM
Labels: Bruno Sammartino, Kaliqo, Triple H, Vince McMahon, WWE, WWE Hall of Fame
February 7, 2013
The New Sides of Triple H
From The Layfield Report:
HHH is a man who brings up a lot of opinion in people. Even fellow wrestlers[Bret link]. But listening to all the opinions down through the years, there seems to be two mirror arguments when people talk about 'The Game.'
Some would say that he stooged himself as a chauffeur to a powerful backstage lobby, then married into the family to help elevate, and keep that elevation long term. That he never made anyone and used the mic to hurt his opponents.
Others would say that he always showed promise, even in WCW, and took it like a man when he was handed the combined tonnage of shit for The Curtain Call at the Garden. That he was a real student of the game and devoured wrestling day and night until he got the belt.
Maybe somewhere in the middle is true. Maybe both of those philosophies are crap. Point is - none of them matter now.
There's certainly two sides to the man. But maybe not those two anymore.
What matters now to anyone who has any love for pro wrestling, is how HHH is going to be as a future custodian of the overall company. Tangled up in the opinions and theories is the fact he did marry the boss' daughter and that he is being groomed for higher perches in the company.
That combination and circumstance certainly points to a lot more diverging opinion to come.
But the early signs look promising.
~ Kayfabe by
3:58 PM
August 23, 2011
Trips to Win
The weather forecast was terrible, a huge storm was on its way and we needed to leave Yakima as soon as possible. If we did not leave soon then we were in jeopardy of not making it to Seattle for Monday Night Raw the next day. However, as they say in entertainment, “The show must go on.” The treachery that was The White Pass would be waiting for us. The question was just how bad would it be?
The White Pass is Highway I-12 between Seattle and Yakima, and for five months a year it is a hellacious mountain thrill-ride of blanketing snow, severely icy conditions and blinding wind and rains. If we started the show 15 minutes early and only did two hours we had a fighters chance of making it to Seattle, even though it would be brutal and dangerous. The Road Agents and the always-reliable Tim White monitored the situation during the show, instructing everyone to leave as soon as their matches were complete. The main-event that included Evolution was not in question in any way, but there could be no “ha-ha” antics and no major histrionics that they were famous for, especially at house shows. And Batista couldn’t take his usual hour and a half shower. I knew right there I was in trouble, as I was always the last to leave the building.
We were getting into our respective cars in the secure parking lot, Orton, Flair, Batista and Triple H into their Escalade or Navigator, me into my Malibu, and said goodbye. Then Trips got out of the drivers seat and walked towards my car.
“You gonna be okay?” he asked.
“Sure Bro, I’ll be fine.”
“Take my number, if you get stuck I will come back and get you. Have a safe trip. Call me.”
That was the nicest thing anyone had said to me in my seven years with the company, a simple gesture that spoke volumes about the classiest act in wrestling, Paul Levesque. He was a leader, a friend, a gentleman, a champion and a compassionate co-worker. I will never forget that.
~ Kayfabe by
12:14 AM
May 18, 2011
A Closer Look at the New Head of WWE Talent Development
A review of WWE's CFO George Barrios's presentation at the J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media & Telecom Conference on May 16th reveals more insight on Triple H's new role. Hunter is responsible for developing new characters and the "core competencies" (as it relates to talent development) that the WWE has been referring to lately. Apparently, when Hunter said he was "trying to learn marketing and other aspects of the business" he was talking about these "core competencies". CFO Barrios stated at the Conference that Hunter's role was a liaison between new talent and TV production trying to bridge the gap as a "talent coordinator and developer."
Hunter is listed on page 18 of the presentation as Senior Vice President, Talent Development noting that he has 15+ years with WWE. He is not an officer or director of the company and is therefore not listed under Governance on the company website. He is however considered a member of Senior Management.
An interesting note is that John Laurinaitis, EVP Talent Relations, is listed as an officer of the company, but is not listed as a part of the management team at the Conference, was not included as a part of senior management at the Annual Shareholders Meeting (Triple H was introduced as Senior Advisor to the Chairman's Office at that meeting) and was not present at the Global Business Partner Summit held before WrestleMania XXVII. Triple H made a presentation to WWE's business and sponsorship partners about the new Talent Development department at the Summit.
April 4, 2011
Triple H vs. The Undertaker - The Way It's Supposed To Be
Mark Madden comments on the HHH/Taker WM27 match:
In many ways, wrestling is at a low point in terms of value as performance art. I won’t bore you by revisiting that debate.
But every once in a great while, something happens to remind you of how great wrestling can be.
That something took place at WrestleMania 27.
That something was Undertaker-Triple H. You saw 30 minutes of the business executed (and broadcast) EXACTLY the way it should be.
I can’t praise Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler enough, either. The first half of the broadcast was nearly ruined by Michael Cole pushing his character at the expense of the matches. Ross and Lawler were brilliant during Undertaker-Triple H, exercising silence as a dramatic device TO PERFECTION. Shut up and let the picture speak for itself. That match would have been terrific with no sound, but Ross and Lawler found a way to elevate it. Kudos.
I’m not going to review ‘Taker-Trips blow by blow, but that bout proved emotion and psychology BLOWS AWAY technical ecstasy. ‘Taker never breaks character, not even for a split second, not even during a throwaway moment. That paid off when ‘Taker showed, quite possibly, more vulnerability than he had at any moment throughout his career prior.
As for Trips, his horror at realizing HE COULDN’T WIN was palpable and credible. When ‘Taker kicked out of the tombstone and Triple H slithered away in absolute disbelief, you bought it. When Trips screamed “STAY DOWN!” you really bought into his desperation.
F*** flip, flop and fly. That match was what WRESTLING IS SUPPOSED TO BE. I feel privileged to have seen it.
source: wrestlezone.com
January 4, 2011
One Year Ago: TNA vs. WWE Monday Night War II
One year ago today, TNA iMPACT! moved to Monday nights to compete against WWE Raw. That night, Hulk Hogan made his debut with TNA, while Bret Hart made his WWE return. Four months later, iMPACT! moved back to Thursday nights. They were not able to compete against Raw in the ratings.
A year later, iMPACT!'s tv ratings are basically the same, and their World Champion has been indicted on drug charges and plans on pleading guilty to them.
A year later, the WWE has embraced their youth movement and made The Miz, a former reality tv star, WWE Champion. Their tv ratings have basically remained the same also.
~ Kayfabe by
10:20 PM
Labels: Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Kaliqo, Raw, TNA IMPACT, Wrestling History, WWE
October 27, 2010
Isn’t the Criticism of Triple H a Little Too Much?
From the Q&A section on pwinsider.com:
"Not to sound like another Hunter conspiracy theorist, but why do I get the feeling with Triple H’s return on the horizon, we’ll soon be seeing Nexus eat 7 Pedigree’s and Sheamus take a seat at the back of the line"
As you mentioned, he put over Sheamus huge not too long ago and correct me if I’m wrong, but he has been putting people over at mania forever. For example, he lost to Taker during the biker run, Batista beat him for the title, he tapped out to Benoit to lose a title, and he tapped out to Cena with the championship on the line. People should give the guy a break.
Years ago or so, it probably wasn't too much. Before HHH married into the McMahon family HHH was your regular top guy with a lot of influence over Vince McMahon and a lot of people no longer with the company swear that he wielded influence strongly. Then when he first married in, a lot of people felt it was just a matter of time until he won the World Title enough times to hold the record. But that was then. This is now. In the interim HHH hasn't done that. He has put over talents. When the company needed it, he reformed DX. I think people need to get out of the past and update their thinking where HHH is concerned.
~ Kayfabe by
10:34 PM
October 5, 2010
Mick Foley Comments On Triple H
In an interview with Main Event Radio, Mick Foley talks about a chapter in his book where he mentions that he heard that HHH is not his biggest fan. MEM states it seems contradictory to when he was benefiting so greatly from Mick put him over and asks if Foley thinks that HHH was being disingenuous when he was doing interviews in the past and said that Foley was one of his favorite opponents?:
"No I don’t think that is a conflict. And I don’t know for a fact that he wasn’t one of my biggest fans. That would mean more that he wasn’t one of my biggest fans in 2008. I heard he got a big promotion. He may be the future of WWE from a business standpoint. And from a business standpoint, you really can’t say that guy put me over in 2000 so we gotta keep him around. It’s really his job to say who’s valuable in the company at this present time. I had heard he hadn’t been a booster of mine but if you had asked him who his favorite all-time opponents were and my name was on it, I don’t think that is a contradiction."
About a week ago, I watched the Raw from New Jersey on DVR - the one where Triple H made the crack about Lilian Garcia showing up just to "horse around". And since that time, just keep asking myself "why"? Why does someone like Triple H, one of the most talented, well paid guys in the business, do something so shallow and mean? Why would a multi-millionaire, with millions of fans around the world, feel the need (several times over the years) to say something that is only meant to hurt? I don't get it. I don't get why it's done, I don't get why it's condoned, I don't get what possible satisfaction anyone involved gets from demeaning someone like Lilian Garcia. I just don't get it."
September 28, 2010
The Kliq - Where Are They Now?
Triple H - Multiple WWE/World championship titles, founding member of DX, the McMahon-Helmsley Era and Evolution, dated Joannie "Chyna" Laurer, married Stephanie McMahon and has three daughters, has acted on tv and in movies, recently formalized an executive position with the WWE, currently rehabbing an injury and is expected to return to the ring later this year.
Shawn Michaels - Multiple championship titles, got off drugs and found God, married with two kids, founding member of DX, retired after a very successful 20 year career.
Kevin Nash - Multiple titles, founding member of the nWo, wrestled with WWE, WCW and is currently with TNA, has acted in movies, married with one son.
Sean Waltman - Only wrestler in history to have held the TNA X Division Championship, the WCW Cruiserweight Championship and the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship, divorced with two children, dated Joannie "Chyna" Laurer and made an X-rated video with her, has been in rehab for drugs and psychiatric problems, recently arrested at a New Jersey airport after a search found him to be in possession of marijuana.
Scott Hall - Has wrestled for over 20 years in AWA, NWA, WCCW, WCW, ECW, Juggalo Championship Wrestling, WWE and TNA, divorced with two children, has been in and out of rehab, recently arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting a police officer, currently in a WWE sponsored rehab facility.
~ Kayfabe by
11:58 AM
Labels: Kaliqo, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Shawn Michaels, The Kliq, Triple H
September 13, 2010
RVD = Career Pissant
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that sees through RVD's bullsh*t. Mark Madden posted this on Wrestlezone.com:
Was Rob Van Dam EVER involved a big-money program? Not even close. For RVD to refer to himself as a “rock star” while belittling the older, “jealous” wrestlers in TNA was a gratuitous insult, and gratuitously delusional. What’s going on right now in TNA makes the end of WCW look like a Swiss watch. RVD = career pissant.
August 30, 2010
Maybe God Could Pick Another Form of Entertainment
Eddie, Test, Umaga, Lance, Trent Acid, Chris Kanyon, Luna Vachon, J.C. Bailey. There are others and there will be more. I am absolutely addicted to this business. I don't wrestle and don't want to. I'm not a promoter and don't want to be. I don't book matches and am not qualified to do so. I'm just a fan. I have been to local indy shows with a few hundred people and to sold out WWE shows at the Verizon Center. Big, small, CHIKARA, ROH, Puroresu, Lucha Libre, I watch it all. And even though it isn't politically correct, I'm a die-hard Terra Ryzin/Jean-Paul Levesque/Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Triple H fan. (yeah that long) Just a small request to the Ultimate Booker upstairs, please stop taking our young wrestlers that are just getting started. Please stop taking our veterans that have left the spotlight and joined us "regular" people. There are other forms of entertainment. Not that I want to see actors or musicians die, but things are definetly one-sided. I'm just very sad today...
~ Kayfabe by
4:31 PM
Labels: Drugs, Indy Wrestling, Kaliqo, Lucha Libre, Puroresu, Steroids, Wrestling News
August 6, 2010
Putting TNA's Epic Fail in Perspective
TNA's last few PPVs have drawn around 8,000 buys each, which is beyond pathetic and even lower than what the early pre-taped ROH PPVs drew. It gets worse.
In the newest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer analyzed the Boston Globe story about Dana White. In this piece, he mentioned that during UFC's dark ages, they drew 14,000-19,000 buys per event. This was when they had no TV outlet and their shows were only available on DirecTV (which was much less of a powerhouse at the time), Primestar (Which was dying and sold to/folded into DirecTV in 1999), and a handful of small cable systems, making them available to about 25% of the PPV market. TNA has a weekly TV show seen by a million people and 100% PPV clearance.
So...yeah. There you have it.
source: cageseats.com
~ Kayfabe by
8:21 PM