Legendary manager J.J. Dillon recently appeared on the Ministry Of Slam radio show. During the interview, Dillon discussed TNA and why he feels they will never be able to be competitive with WWE.
"I was very disappointed when WCW went out of business, because there was no competition left – and competition is always healthy for the industry," Dillon said (via FSM). "All of a sudden, here was a new company (TNA) who had something different to offer fans than what WWE were handing out. I was hoping TNA would be that product to fill the void left by WCW. There were some great minds instrumental in starting it, such as Jerry and Jeff Jarrett, but I've always said that you have one opportunity to make a good first impression. It was a chance for them to establish their own identity right away, but there seemed to be a pattern right from the beginning for guys to talk about how they had been held back in WWE."
"If you continue to talk about your main competitor, then I feel the average fan will see that competitor as the major leagues. That happened time and time again, and it turned that chance at a first impression for TNA into a group of WWE cast-offs who had come together and were all sour grapes. After all these years, I'm surprised that TNA are still in business, because they have tried everything. I don't think they'll ever be at the stage where they'll be competitive with WWE."