Vince Russo has posted the latest edition of “Nuclear heat,” which you can watch below. During the video, he discusses having to deal with top stars getting injured and how WWE was grooming Triple H heading into WrestleMania 14, due to the fact that Shawn Michaels would be taking time off due to his back injury…
Heading into WrestleMania [14], we knew that Shawn Michaels was having back issues. We knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before Shawn Michaels was going to be put on the shelf. We didn’t know exactly when, but we knew that the time may come, so we might have to have a backup plan. So, if you go back and you look at all those Attitude Era shows, you will see how slowly but surely, in the background, we were building Triple H. We would give Triple H the mic. Triple H would talk before Shawn spoke. We were getting Triple H over. We were grooming Triple H to take the place of Shawn whenever he was going to leave.
In conjunction with [building Triple H], the New Age Outlaws were coming into their own because we knew we were going to marry the Outlaws to Triple H and Chyna and make them a force in the absence of Shawn Michaels. So, after a couple of weeks when you had DX going strong now, with this new group, all of a sudden, we forgot Shawn Michaels.”

Since 2006
November 17, 2015
Rumor Mill - Vince Russo Talks WWE Grooming Triple H Prior to WM 14 Due to Shawn Michaels’ Injury
~ Kayfabe by
8:05 AM
Labels: Billy Gunn, Chyna, DX, Road Dogg Jesse James, Rumor Mill, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Vince Russo, WWE
February 18, 2015
What Sean Waltman Has Said About Triple H Potentially Assaulting Chyna, More on Waltman’s Own Issues with the Former Diva
As we reported several weeks ago, Chyna revealed during an interview with Vince Russo that while she and Triple H were in a relationship, Triple H physically assaulted her. Triple H quickly issued a statement denying the assault claim.
In an update on that story, Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer reports Sean Waltman, who also had a relationship with Chyna, has told him a similar story about Triple H assaulting Chyna, but later admitted all Triple H did was push Chyna out of the way.
No further details were provided by Waltman as he said he cared not to be involved in a “mudslinging” story with Triple H and Chyna.
Furthermore, while Waltman was an admitted junkie during his relationship with Chyna, he revealed the claim she makes in her book, which is that she was raped in college, is not true as Chyna later told Waltman it wasn’t true.
Additionally, Waltman has denied much of what Chyna had to say publicly about him during the time they were together.
Waltman posted the following response on his twitter page:
"I haven't read whatever was written about me in The Observer, so it's hard to comment. One thing I can tell you is that Paul never hit Joanie."
February 11, 2015
Rumor Mill - Chyna accuses Triple H of hitting her during their relationship breakdown
Well, Stone Cold Steve Austin really opened up a can of worms when he asked Triple H whether his ex-girlfriend Chyna would ever be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame last Monday on his podcast for the WWE Network, and I'm sure he, nor Hunter, was fully aware of what the consequences would be.
Maybe The Cerebral Assassin could have predicted the inevitable accusations of hypocrisy and sexism that followed over his excuse that Chyna's porn career would exclude her from the institution in today's PG-rated environment. Even the criticisms of on-air bullying by Chyna's friend Vince Russo could be taken for granted. But I don't think even Hunter himself would have forecasted that Chyna would give a lengthy interview for the VIP section of Russo's website giving full details of how their relationship broke down, including allegations of domestic violence against WWE's current Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events & Creative.
It was well known that Chyna was the last person in the company to know about Paul Levesque's affair with Vince McMahon's daughter, Stephanie McMahon. Thus, the anecdote that Triple H once stood up Chyna at an arena whilst unbeknownst to her he flew with Vince and Stephanie to the next town in their corporate WWE jet isn't all that shocking, even though it's still objectionable behaviour.
However, what was surprising was Chyna's new claim that Triple H had assaulted her during an argument where she confronted him with her suspicions that something was going on behind her back:
"So I think Hunter's plan was to get me to leave the relationship first and then that way he can start dating Stephanie and like everything would be cool. So I would ask Hunter time and time again, I figured it was better just to address the problem and ask him honestly and I would have to believe his answer, so we got into a heated argument, we were not getting along, I told him 'I know something's going on. Don't tell me something's not going on.' He swiped my hand, I swiped his hand, he hit me. I went back like Jerry Springer and then I was like OK that's the deal breaker for me, the relationship is now over, so now I have to leave. After that, I know that he was crying and I know that he felt bad that he hit me, and my first initial reaction was to get up, and like I don't know, I was just in shock and it felt like a Jerry Springer moment, it was very surreal, and I just couldn't believe that he hit me. But he knows that like I don't stand for physical violence, albeit we'll get to that after with Sean [Waltman], so I knew at that point I had to leave, but I needed some sort of closure so when he was gone I started looking all over the house, and I looked into his, long story short, I looked into his briefcase and I found a love letter from Stephanie that had [been] dated a year back, so the whole time they were doing the storyline basically they were together."
I think it's important to stress that we have absolutely no reason to believe that these allegations are true, but equally, Chyna would be very foolish to make up such stories against an executive of a publicly traded company. As always, in such private incidents, the only people who know the truth are the two parties involved.
Chyna's tale then returned to familiar territory, as she corroborated the story in Matthew Randazzo V's book Ring Of Hell that immediately upon finding out that Triple H was two-timing her with the boss's daughter, she rung Vince McMahon himself up to inform him of the news, only to be told in no uncertain terms not to kick up a fuss about it:
"And I immediately called Vince McMahon, and got him out of a meeting that he was in and he said 'Chyna, what's so important that you have to talk to me right now.' I told him, because in my mind I was thinking he doesn't know, of course Hunter's not going to be dating his daughter, it's secret, he's gonna be on my side right? Well, doh. He said, 'Well, I hope you don't lose your job over this.'"
Chyna then details the environment backstage on the first Monday Night Raw after her break-up with Hunter, how he gave her the cold shoulder and never even spoke to her again until many years later (when he picked up Chyna's then boyfriend Sean Waltman for rehab), whilst Stephanie later pulled her aside and gave her a good ticking off.
Later in the interview, Chyna criticised WWE for ignoring her many pleas for help whilst she was plagued with substance abuse problems and suggested that this was an indictment of their Wellness Policy. The truth to this statement depends on when Chyna contacted WWE, as their open offer of WWE-sponsored rehabilitation for all former talent wasn't made until September 2007, long after her addiction issues began.
For a fuller recap of Chyna's chat with Russo, please read the coverage by
We reached out to WWE for a response to Chyna's allegations that Triple H once hit her. They quickly got back to us and we obtained the following statement from Paul Levesque himself:
"The false statements and reckless allegations made by Joan Laurer (aka Chyna) on a recent podcast about a physical dispute are a complete fabrication. While Joan has had significant struggles in life, this does not justify making such claims."
~ Kayfabe by
6:07 AM
Labels: Chyna, Rumor Mill, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, WWE
February 5, 2015
Update on Chyna’s Response to Triple H & Hall of Fame Comments; Dropping Tell-All Interview Next Week
Late Monday night Triple H was the guest on a live edition of The Steve Austin show, hosted on the WWE Network. During the interview, Triple H was asked about Joanie Laurer (aka Chyna) being inducted into the Hall of Fame, and had the following to say:
“From a career standpoint should she be in the Hall of Fame? Absolutely. It’s a bit difficult though. If an 8-year-old kid sees the Hall of Fame, and goes on the internet – ‘who is Chyna, I’m 8-years-old I’ve never heard of her, so I go type that in’ and what comes up? I’m not criticizing life-style choices. I don’t know what they were, and I don’t care to know. It’s not a morality thing or anything else, it’s just the fact of what it is, and that’s a difficult choice.”
The Game is obviously referencing Laurer’s pornography career, as the former Intercontinental Champion has starred in a number of adult films since 2004. In response, her official Twitter account (@ChynatheIcon) thanked wrestling fans for “keeping her name out there” and even hoped a “dialogue” could be started following the podcast.
Wrestlezone has since learned that the thoughts expressed Monday night were NOT made by Joanie Laurer, but rather by an individual who runs her account. She was not aware of the comments made by Triple H, and the Twitter response made does not accurately reflect her thoughts on the issue.
Chyna recently sat down with Vince Russo to vent her true feelings about the Hall of Fame, as well as issuing some never-before-heard statements about Triple H, WWE and her departure from the company. The must-see, controversial interview will go live on next Monday.
December 19, 2014
Regardless of What You Think, It’s Gotta Suck to Be Paul Levesque
~ Kayfabe by
7:29 PM
Labels: Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, WWE
September 16, 2014
Can TNA Get Over?
Rumors have swirled about the demise of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Is this the end for the company? And will professional wrestling ever support two major promotions again? Click here.
~ Kayfabe by
4:04 PM
Labels: AJ Styles, Dixie Carter, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Impact Wrestling, Jeff Jarrett, Knockouts, TNA, Vince Russo, Wrestling News, WWE
August 31, 2014
10 Insights Into Working With Triple H
July 4, 2014
Vince Russo Talks Montreal Screwjob: Coming Up With The Finish, Undertaker's Reaction, Owen's Call
Vince Russo was the latest guest on Steve Austin's "The Steve Austin Show," and one of the topics they discussed in length was the Montreal Screwjob, which happened at WWE Survivor Series 1997 involving Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Listen to it here.
The former WWE writer spoke about his thoughts on the issue, and shed some light on what went down that fateful week.
Russo said they discussed numerous endings with Hart before the main event contest, and after they couldn't find an alternative, Vince McMahon pulled Russo aside, and told him he was going to call Hart since he needed Russo to be a third party on the telephone.
The controversial character proclaimed his love for Hart, but did confirm he was on the phone and said Hart refused everything, including trying to work in Jim Neidhart to help with the finish.
Russo then said he told McMahon to let Michaels put Hart in his own move, The Sharpshooter, and call for the bell. Russo stated it was late at night on the Thursday before, and they simply couldn't find any alternatives.
"Vince didn't say a word," confessed Russo.
The next day, Russo didn't hear anything from McMahon, and he didn't even talk to him at the pay-per-view. Russo had no idea what was going to happen, while he watched the match next to The Undertaker.
"All of a sudden I'm watching, and I see that finish go down," Russo said. "Taker was going to kill somebody. If he had known, I would not be here today."
Russo explained that Owen Hart was still on the roster, and that less than a week later, the younger Hart brother called him crying.
"Vince, you have to talk to Bret," Owen told him. "Bret says if I stay with the WWE, he's going to disown me as a brother…he (doesn't) want anything to do with me. Please, you've got to talk to him."
On the other side of the phone, Russo told Owen he should be calling McMahon about his issue, but Owen stated that he couldn't get a hold of him. Russo also said McMahon would have fired him for talking to Bret. Russo then stated less than a week after that, he called Bret on the phone.
Russo said he wanted to kill everybody, and told Bret at the end of the day, McMahon was looking to protect his entire company. He told Bret it had nothing to do with McMahon not trusting Bret, but more so Eric Bischoff.
He didn't want the WCW boss to parade his WWE title on his program, much like Bischoff did with Madusa when she joined WCW and put the WWE Women's Championship in the trash.
Russo then told Bret he stood behind Vince for what he did, despite Hart probably wanting to rip his head off when he heard that statement.
Russo said Vince simply had no choice.
Austin then said it was shocking for him to see at the time, and that Bret was still a close friend to this day, not to mention one of his favorite guys to work with. Austin also stated he agreed with the decision, as far as protecting the business and the company Vince McMahon Sr. had started. He was on board with the decision, but said he was in complete shock and that everyone was completely confused.
~ Kayfabe by
8:16 AM
Labels: Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo
January 13, 2013
This Day In Wreslting History
Vince Russo is fired from his job as WCW's head writer due to the lack of ratings and backstage heat he had with management
January 13, 2000
December 13, 2012
December 4, 2012
This Day In Wrestling History
Alex Aberg draws with Ed "Strangler" Lewis at the Manhattan Opera House.
December 4, 1915
In a rather controversial segment, Rowdy Roddy Piper blamed Vince Russo for the death of Owen Hart live on NWA TNA's weekly PPV event.
December 4, 2002
Paul Heyman made his exit from World Wrestling Entertainment. Heyman was sent home from a Raw/ECW taping in North Carolina following a meeting with Vince McMahon, one day after the disastrous ECW December to Dismember Pay-per-view. Heyman was removed from the ECW Creative team, while a storyline reason for his departure was posted on, stating Vince sent him home because: "The WWE Chairman cited slumping television ratings and a disgruntled talent roster as causes for Mr. Heyman's dismissal." Heyman had been portraying the heel "ECW Representative" on television.
The backstage story was that Vince McMahon was irate about how awful the PPV was and wanted to pin the blame on Heyman for it, despite many feeling that the poor PPV (which ended a half hour early) was the result of what the McMahons (Vince and Stephanie) booked for the show. Heyman was said to be unhappy with the way that the PPV was booked and backstage sources claim he voiced that concern both before the show began and after it. It was obvious that there were issues between Vince McMahon and Heyman because of the how the show played out on PPV, with everyone knowing it was a disaster.
A number of sources stated that a meeting was held around two o'clock with Heyman, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon-Levesque. Heyman came out of the meeting and seemed like his normal self, with no one realizing what had just taken place. Shortly thereafter, Heyman gathered his things and left the building to go home.
December 4, 2006
Eddie Fatu, better known to WWE fans as Umaga, passes away.
December 4, 2009
partial source:
~ Kayfabe by
12:30 AM
Labels: Owen Hart, Paul Heyman, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Stephanie McMahon, Umaga, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, Wrestling History
October 20, 2012
Interview with Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff was interviewed this past week on 100.3 The Fan in Minneapolis. Extreme Pro Wrestling Radio interviewed Bischoff. During the interview, which lasted about 10 minutes, he discussed many topics including Hulk Hogan, Bruce Pritchard, and working with Vince Russo.
On The Similarities between Bruce Pritchard and Vince Russo:
"It's hard to compare, two entirely different people with entirely different skill sets and backgrounds and experiences and things like that so it's kind of a waste of energy to try and compare them other than to say they are two completely different people. I enjoyed working with Vince, I don't wanna ever sound like I didn't. It was a challenge for me and it was a challenge for Vince because of our personalities and because of the way we approach things, but it was never personal for TNA and I don't think it was for him either.
Bischoff was asked if there are any storylines that have not been done yet. He laughed and said "I don't think so."
To listen to the full interview, Click Like on Extreme Pro Wrestling Radio's facebook page.
October 3, 2012
This Day In Wrestling History
Rick Steamboat & Jay Youngblood defeated Jack & Jerry Brisco for the NWA World Tag Team title.
October 3, 1983
Vince Russo & Ed Ferrera leave the WWF(E) and join WCW.
October 3, 1999
July 9, 2012
This Day in Wrestling History
Happy Birthday to Kevin Nash.
July 9, 1959
The Crusher defeated Verne Gagne for the AWA Heavyweight title.
July 9, 1963
Happy Birthday to Marc Mero.
July 9, 1965
Fabulous Moolah defeated Velvet McIntyre for the WWF(E) Women's title.
July 9, 1986
The infamous Vince Russo/Hulk Hogan shoot took place at WCW's Bash at the Beach PPV. This marked Hulk Hogan's last WCW appearance.
July 9, 2000
April 10, 2012
This Day in Wrestling History
Happy Birthday to Paul Bearer aka Percy Pringle
April 10, 1955
Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo return to WCW and declare all WCW titles vacant.
April 10, 2000
Jeff Hardy defeated Triple H for the WWF(E) Intercontinental title.
April 10, 2001
~ Kayfabe by
12:01 AM
Labels: Eric Bischoff, Triple H, Vince Russo, WCW, Wrestling History
March 2, 2012
Vince Russo's Statement On Leaving TNA
Vince Russo issued the following statement to
Despite the continuing rumors, speculation, and hearsay surrounding my departure from TNA Wrestling, in an effort to set the record straight, I was not fired, terminated, released, or let go from the company--it was my decision to walk away, and from there the separation was mutual, amicable and professional.
It simply makes good business sense that where someone of my talent and ability was not going to be used to their capability or capacity, that a parting of the ways was inevitable.
In closing, I’d like to thank my fellow writer and friend, Matt Conway, for giving me purpose, my friend and brother, Jeff Jarrett, for hiring me, Dixie Carter and the entire Carter family, for keeping me employed, but, more importantly, every man and woman in the locker room for giving me the opportunity, and ability, to work in the professional wrestling business for the past twenty years. Without their blood, sweat and tears . . . I would have not been able to support my family and make a living. My greatest loss by far is leaving them behind.
And truly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish TNA all the best in their future endeavors.
PS: I couldn’t help myself with that last line, but I truly DO wish TNA all the success in the world!
February 29, 2012
Rumor Mill - Vince Russo's Departure from TNA
According to a report by Jason Powell of, Vince Russo made the decision to quit in his role with TNA's creative team despite being under contract for several more months. The report stated Russo became "frustrated by his lack of power" in regards to writing content for the show. The belief within TNA is that Russo is being paid until his contract expires.
February 14, 2012
Dixie Carter Confirms Vince Russo's TNA Departure
TNA President Dixie Carter via Twitter:
"TNA and Vince Russo have mutually parted ways as of this week. The separation is amicable and professional. We are glad for the opportunity to have worked together and wish each other nothing but good luck and success in the future."
January 13, 2012
This Day in Wrestling History
Vince Russo is fired from his job as WCW's head writer due to the lack of ratings and backstage heat he had with management
January 13, 2000
December 4, 2011
This Day in Wrestling History
Alex Aberg draws with Ed "Strangler" Lewis at the Manhattan Opera House.
December 4, 1915
In a rather controversial segment, Rowdy Roddy Piper blamed Vince Russo for the death of Owen Hart live on NWA TNA's weekly PPV event.
December 4, 2002
Paul Heyman made his exit from World Wrestling Entertainment. Heyman was sent home from a Raw/ECW taping in North Carolina following a meeting with Vince McMahon, one day after the disastrous ECW December to Dismember Pay-per-view. Heyman was removed from the ECW Creative team, while a storyline reason for his departure was posted on, stating Vince sent him home because: "The WWE Chairman cited slumping television ratings and a disgruntled talent roster as causes for Mr. Heyman's dismissal." Heyman had been portraying the heel "ECW Representative" on television.
The backstage story was that Vince McMahon was irate about how awful the PPV was and wanted to pin the blame on Heyman for it, despite many feeling that the poor PPV (which ended a half hour early) was the result of what the McMahons (Vince and Stephanie) booked for the show. Heyman was said to be unhappy with the way that the PPV was booked and backstage sources claim he voiced that concern both before the show began and after it. It was obvious that there were issues between Vince McMahon and Heyman because of the how the show played out on PPV, with everyone knowing it was a disaster.
A number of sources stated that a meeting was held around two o'clock with Heyman, Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon-Levesque. Heyman came out of the meeting and seemed like his normal self, with no one realizing what had just taken place. Shortly thereafter, Heyman gathered his things and left the building to go home.
December 4, 2006
Eddie Fatu, better known to WWE fans as Umaga, passes away.
December 4, 2009
partial source:
~ Kayfabe by
12:06 AM
Labels: Owen Hart, Paul Heyman, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Stephanie McMahon, Umaga, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, Wrestling History