Fan report:
Triple H and The Undertaker defeated MVP and The Great Khali. No Khali can’t wrestle, as this match exemplified, but one look at him live and you see why WWE keeps him around – the guy is a monster. Triple H and The Undertaker got extraordinary reactions – the response to HHH in particular nearly bust my ear drums. There is no doubt who the stars were on this show.
Anyway, the match began with a lot of stalling by MVP and HHH – which was kind of old at this point as it had been used throughout the night. MVP unsurprisingly did the bulk of work for his team – firstly on the receiving end of HHH and Undertaker’s offence, then, after a brief Khali appearance, he was the guy to dish out most of the attack. Khali locked in the vice-grip which Taker powered out of before a hot tag to HHH who cleaned house. A stereo chokeslam to MVP and Pedigree to Khali finished the bout before Undertaker and HHH took turns posturing to the crowd as they began to file out of the arena.

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Since 2006
Since 2006
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