ESPN: You recently switched things up a little with the face paint. Why the change?
Samoa Joe: You know what, it's really just an extension of the character. That's the great thing about pro wrestling as you can take a persona you have and really keep pushing and pushing it as there really are no boundaries, no lines. It's just a continuation of my character. Where people knew me as a really aggressive person, now I'm over-the-top aggressive. We'll see how far I can push it.
ESPN: You were one of the consultants on the "TNA Impact" video game. Was it cool to be able to introduce the Suicide character in the game then watch someone take over that gimmick in real life? I don't think that's ever been done before where a wrestling character debuted in a game before TV.
Samoa Joe: It was pretty trippy. I remember working on the game and they showed me the character they designed. I was looking at the outfit and thought it was pretty cool, that it could be cool for a wrestler to wear. Next thing you know, I'm walking in the studio one day and there was the costume and the wrestler was getting all made up and ready to go. I was like, wow, they actually made a real Suicide...More?

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