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Since 2006

May 2, 2009

Kaliqo's Commentary - "Superstar" Billy Graham Upset Over Release and Publishes Termination Letter

"Superstar" Billy Graham is so upset about being released from his WWE contract, he asked Georgiann Makropoulos of WrestlingFigs.com to post a copy of the letter that was sent to him by WWE. Graham is miffed that the WWE is exercising their rights to their intellectual property. Graham says the name "Superstar" Billy Graham belongs to him. Georgiann goes on to say:

"Why do the McMahon's feel like they have to own everything, even after they let wrestlers go?"

Well, if Billy signed his rights to the name over to the WWE, then that's why they feel like they own everything. Maybe he should check his contract. If he thinks he has a legal leg to stand on - then file suit. Otherwise stop crying.

I'm sure Billy will miss the $2,000 a month he was getting. Who wouldn't? But according to Billy's own letter that he made public:

In accordance with section 11.1(a) of the Contract, WWE is hereby providing you written notice that it is terminating the Contract effective July 19, 2009...

Therefore he knew or should have known that this was always a possibility - just like any other wrestler.

I'm so tired of these wrestlers signing contracts and then getting pissed when they are released, let go, terminated, however you want to say it. Why do they think their contract only terminates upon their death? Unless your name is McMahon or Levesque, there are no guarantees.


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Oderint Dum Metuant: Let Them Hate As Long As They Fear