What he enjoys the most and least about being a professional wrestler: "The least is easy - the physical toll it takes on your body and the time you're away from your family. Those are the number one and two things that most of us experience. But the great thing is, I get to travel the world... I've performed in Afghanistan, South Africa, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, South America, Canada and a few other places - Italy. It's really hard for me to think of places I haven't been."
When asked how far he sees African-American wrestlers have come in the industry and where he fits into that history: "Honestly, as far as being African-American goes, I think we're to a point now where I think of myself not as an African-American superstar; I think of myself as a superstar who just happens to be African-American. While I recognize African-Americans have come a long way and I think I'm a testament to that because I see myself in that light, it's because of all the hard work of previous African-American superstars. I don't compare myself with only African-Americans. I do not grade myself on a color scheme."...More?
source: cincinnati.com

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