Ted DiBiase said the WWE environment has improved drastically over the years. “Today, the business has changed, it’s much more corporate,” he said. “When you go back to the hotel, there is nobody. I don’t know if it’s a well-kept secret, or what. The WWE has changed so much now. They work four days a week, then they go home to their families.” Today, his son Ted Dibiase Jr., 27, is following in his father’s footsteps.
“The years I was in the WWE there were a number of guys who died from drug and alcohol abuse. So for years I preached to my boys that I’d support them in anything they’d want to do — but don’t even consider wrestling.”
So what has changed? Vince McMahon, owner of the WWE, has implemented strict random drug tests for all wrestlers.
“What that has built into the WWE is accountability. They have a three-strike rule,” DiBiase said. “The first time you test positive for anything it’s a 30-day suspension without pay. The second time it’s a 60-day suspension, (and) the third time you’re fired. Nobody is above the law, nobody.”...More?
source: lansingcitypulse.com
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