Former TNA writer/agent Dutch Mantell says he believes TNA doesn't understand its audience and the current creative team has an arrogant attitude that it's the fault of the audience for not understanding the product as ratings have declined.
"I don’t think they know their audience. In their eyes, if you don’t understand it, it’s not the writing, it’s you," Mantell told Mike Mooneyham of the Charleston Post & Courier newspaper. "The joke seems to be on them."
Mantell's comments come on the heels of Hulk Hogan essentially blaming the audience for low TV ratings during an appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge's radio show earlier this week. "The audience needs to warm up to how TNA is changing and how they're stepping up and how fast it's moving," Hogan said.
Mantell also suggested there is a dark cloud hovering over TNA and the company will be in trouble if Spike TV ever decides to drop TNA programming. "I’ve been around a lot of offices with the death knell, and the TNA office has got the death knell about it," Mantell claimed. "The only money they’re really making is off Spike, and if Spike balks, they’re screwed."
“What a war this has turned out to be,” laughs Mantell. “This hasn’t even been a border skirmish yet. How can you have a war when one side doesn’t even know it’s going on?”

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