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Since 2006

February 23, 2012

Highlights From CM Punk's Interview with Peter Rosenberg at Hot97

On smart/internet fans: "More power to them but you can take any one of those people and give them the position of booker and they would lose their mind. They don't realize the intricate little things that go into putting stuff together.

"On top of that, we worry about ratings in this company which, to me, is madness at this point. Ratings don't mean anything expect to the sponsors. Which is why we do it because we want to keep sponsors happy. ... I just think everyone loves being negative. 'Ah! Punk came back too soon. They did this,' and it's like, 'Shut up and enjoy it.' Yeah. I know that sometimes it gets really, really bad. You can be vocal about that. But they don't let anything play out. They almost forget that there's going to be a Raw next week."

On his relationship with Triple H: "It's pretty good, I think. [Laughs.] I mean, you know, honestly, I guess I'll never really, truly know. We have a good, open relationship, I guess. We talk. He's very knowledgeable about the business and he's in a spot that he knows about a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff that fascinates me. I pick his brain about that stuff."

On Brodus Clay getting on TV only to be taken off shortly thereafter: "[Triple H] is in a position and now I'm in a position where I can ask him, 'OK. I don't understand why we put a guy like Brodus on TV and then he's off TV for two weeks. Explain that to me, Hunter.' Then he tells me, and I get it.

"We're not just catering to the people that are probably watching this. [Waves to the camera.] We're catering to a much wider audience."


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Oderint Dum Metuant: Let Them Hate As Long As They Fear