Big Show recently spoke with The Miami Herald to promote the June 28th WWE SmackDown tapings at the AmericanAirlines Arena. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:
His current WWE role:
"We've got a lot of young, new, great talent deserving of TV time; they're building their brand. New storylines for them. It's a changing of the guard. I came in as the youngest in the locker-room by 10 years in 1995, and now I'm one of the old ones still out there. I get to go out on weekends and do the live events and help some of the younger kids not make the same mistakes that I made and help them along."
His future and retirement:
"All great things come to an end. So for me I'm looking at projects outside of WWE and maybe moving into something else in the future, but my heart is with WWE. I love helping the younger talent. I love representing WWE like with Make-A-Wish, Be a STAR, Special Olympics. I think I'll always have a home in WWE."
"I've had a great career and had a lot of fun. So whatever happens in the future, I'm gonna take it. If I get a phone call tomorrow, and Vince [McMahon] says, 'Thank you very much. I appreciate everything you've done.' Well, that said, I can hold my head high and go on and do other things. I don't want to ever look back and say, 'I wish I could have,' or 'I wish I would have.' I'm just a guy who is very thankful. I still have my health, and I still get a chance to do something I love every now and then."
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