According to Pro Wrestling Sheet, Matt and Jeff Hardy will NOT be signing new deals with Impact Wrestling, and it’s reportedly because the brothers felt disrespected during contract talks.
Sources are reporting The Hardys agreed to terms on a new TNA deal back in December, but requested a few minor changes, and were simply waiting for the finalized offer.
The deal was supposed to be for 1-year, but weeks and weeks passed, with Matt constantly checking in, but they were consistently given the run around.
Eventually Matt and Jeff’s lawyer informed Impact Wrestling officials that they wanted a creative control clause written into their new deals, but that was shot down immediately. One source claims the Hardy’s lawyer told Ed Nordholm of Anthem Sports & Entertainment there was interest from other companies and he responded by saying, “Well, tell them to go to WWE then.”
This set Jeff Hardy off, who at that point said he was no longer interested in re-signing. Matt continued talks, but when they sent a new contract last week it was now a 2-year deal and terms had been snuck in which stated they’d receive 10% of all his profits outside of Impact.
Matt’s lawyer said he’d be a fool to sign, so he informed the company he wasn’t interested in doing so, but would still come to the tapings to write off his characters. However, he was told he was crazy to think they’d want him on TV without a contact.
Impact Wrestling officials are reportedly trying to get their tag titles back.

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