It has long been rumored that issues with Triple H was what resulted in Pat Patterson's retirement.
Patterson famously became 24/7 Champion during the Raw Reunion Show last year, making history as the oldest person to ever win a WWE title - he's 78 - but he's been retired since 2004 and works as a producer and creative consultant for the company.
The former wrestler was a subject of conversation during Bruce Prichard's Something to Wrestle podcast and the host would rubbish the rumors over Triple H and Patterson being at odds being the cause of the latter's retirement.
"It’s complete bulls**t. I mean, I started to laugh when you said ‘Pat Patterson’s retirement’ because yes, he’s still around now," he said. "And Pat, I think that the - okay, first Pat retired from being in the ring. Then Pat retired in the office. He got a big screen TV then. Then he came back, and then he retired again. Got a second big screen TV, and then he came back. And I told him the second time he came back, ‘Okay Pat.’ I said, ‘This is it. No more big screen for you. You’re gonna stay a while this time.’
"So Pat had a tendency to, when he would be on the road for a while, he would get tired. He would just get burned out. And at this point in his career [in 2005], he was single. He was living life, and he couldn’t do that being gone as many days a week as it took to be on the road and everything. So he looked at it and just wanted to have more ‘Me time.’"
Prichard added that Patterson was tired of all of the traveling and everything else that came with being a WWE wrestler.
"Pat was fed up with the business at that point," he explained. "When I say ‘fed up with the business,’ he was fed up with the travel. He was fed up with being at the building at 11:00 for the production meeting, and then having to do the show, and then talk about it afterward."
Patterson is the first-ever Intercontinental champion and is actually the man behind the creation of the Royal Rumble. He's also said to be one of the main persons who helped WWE become what it is today.
As Prichard puts it, the Hall of Famer apparently grew tired of the grind and decided that he could not commit to being a WWE performer at the point that he opted to call it quits.
So, all of that — Pat retiring, him having heat with Triple H. That’s 100% complete just bulls**t. That’s something that someone made up to try and come up with a story to sell news dirt sheet f**king subscriptions or something, to say ‘Oh hey, here’s the real scoop.’ No, there was nothing there. That was Pat being frustrated and wanting to go off and live, and not be tied down every week.
Source: (Lords of Pain)

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