Longest Running Triple H Fansite
Since 2006

July 8, 2010

Rumor Mill - Triple H's Status

Dirk Hayhurst, injured pitcher for the Toronto Bluejays, posted the following on his twitter account:

Guess who I just singed a book for... Triple H of the WWE. Seriously, I just found myself next to him on a training table. Wow, Surreal

Actually, I didn't ask him anything. He look tired and it's best to leave large, powerful men alone when they are tired. I wish him well.

HHH was alert enough for me to ask him a question. I gave him the most important one I could think of: "Where do you think Lebron will go?"

I did not get a pic, he was a tad out of it, fresh out of surgery so I didn't want to hassle him. Besides, photo's in hospitals are no no's.

Dirk said he was on a training table next to Hunter, and then he implied that Hunter had just gotten out of surgery. Doesn't make sense to me...


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