Round One
The judges give the first round to Lesnar, 10-9.
Round Two
Lesnar lands a standing elbow that stuns Couture to start the second round. Couture recovers and clinches with the challenger, where he lands a left knee to the head. Lesnar lands a clean knee to the body and Couture answers with a right hand. Lesnar is cut above the right eye in the exchange. Couture goes right back to the clinch and tastes a right-shoulder punch from the much larger Lesnar. The fighters separate and Lesnar lands a hard right knee to the chin. Lesnar follows with a right hand on the temple. Couture collapses and Lesnar swarms with hammer punches. Yamasaki watches closely as Couture does not answer. He steps in to save Couture. Brock Lesnar takes Randy Couture’s UFC heavyweight title with a second-round TKO. The official time is 3:07 of round two.
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