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March 27, 2009

Dixie Carter Responds to Vince McMahon's Negative Comments about TNA

TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter responded to Vince McMahon's comments to The Hollywood Reporter in a statement issued to the The Sun. Carter addressed McMahon's claims that some things on TNA television were "reprehensible" with the following statement:

"I think it's wonderful that Vince watches TNA iMPACT... And I agree with him that things such as the brutal beating of a sixty-year-old man, a vicious home invasion and gratuitous man-on-woman violence can be seen as reprehensible - and that's just the last three Monday nights."

More from The Sun

I'm sure Vince thinks it's wonderful that Dixie watched the last three weeks of Raw.


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Oderint Dum Metuant: Let Them Hate As Long As They Fear