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Since 2006

June 17, 2011

The Huffington Post Claims Ulterior Motives for WWE's "Be A Star" Anti-Bullying Campaign

The question is, can one movie (WWE Studios' "That's What I Am"), even if it was the best anti-bullying movie ever made, counteract everything else WWE puts out? Can Stephanie McMahon's "Be a Star" PSA be credible when so young people have seen her humiliated and mock beaten by her real life husband Triple H on the WWE mat?...More?

This article is really ridiculous and the author obviously did not do her homework. She seems to be saying that if you are violent in your work, then you cannot promote an anti-bullying campaign. She also states that it would have been better for the UFC to do an anti-bullying campaign because it is "real fighting". What?!!! What does one have to do with the other?

In addition, the video clips that have been posted are from 10+ years ago. This "journalist" didn't bother to do any checking on WWE's current product. If she did, she would know that the WWE is currently rated PG - much to the dismay of many fans. I don't know why it is so hard for the main stream media to do fact checking concerning professional wrestling. Simply looking at the front page of the WWE corporate site would have given her this information.

And Ms. Wiseman, if you are so outraged by the video clips, where were you 10 years ago?


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