The following statement was issued on the social media accounts for Alberto Del Rio, reporting the reason he missed last night’s AAA event in Mexico was because he was stabbed outside of a restaurant and was unable to make his flight:
Mr. Rodriguez (“Alberto El Patron”) shortly after eating a meal before his flight was assaulted by a criminal with a knife outside the restaurant. Mr. Rodriguez suffered multiple lacerations on his arm and other parts of his body defending against the criminal as Police were called by witnesses. Mr. Rodriguez received medical attention and went back to the Police Department and was unable to make his flight. Mr. Rodriguez has spoken with the ownership of Lucha Libre AAA World Wide and given them documentation of the incident. Mr. Rodriguez greatly regrets not being there yesterday for his fans in Mexico and promises to everyone he will make this up as soon as possible. Despite the graphic lacerations Mr. Rodriguez will not miss any of his shows for the remainder of the year and is ready to compete this weekend in the UK.

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