Tomorrow, October 14th marks the 30th anniversary of the car accident that ended Terry Allen's professional wrestling career. In an EXCLUSIVE interview on The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling, the man known as Magnum relives the tragic accident that abruptly cut short what could have been one of the greatest wrestling careers of all time. In this preview clip Magnum TA shares with John and Chad how he has overcome such adversity and gone on to live a long life following an incident that he rightfully admits he was lucky to be alive following. Tomorrow also is the release date for Highspot's BRAND NEW documentary on the life and career of Magnum TA entitled 'I Never Quit' the Magnum TA story available on DVD and digital download. The full episode of TMPT will be available on Friday as well.
Why is Magnum not "bitter" about the fate he suffered and his career being cut short:
"I like to think God has a plan for everybody's life. I am a man of faith and I don't go preaching the gospel like some of my friends have that I admire but I've tried to live my life by a certain creed and when the rubber meets the asphalt and with some of my friends who I have grown to respect the proof is in the pudding of what you deduce. This life goes by in a nano-second. I had the privilege of doing something that not 1% of this population in the whole world would come close to being able to achieve and had I got to be multi time World's Heavyweight Champion and twenty times this and that or the other and all that stuff it really at that point in time is just self-gratifying because it becomes ego driven. You get great enjoyment in it and entertaining people and all that, (but) it hit me when I was in that hospital. I had been given the honor of playing this hero and this character that I had been able to develop and bring to the world and all of a sudden I've got hundreds of thousands of people that really cared about me, about Terry Allen, about Magnum TA as a human being."
"It hit me that we all, whether we realize it or not; if you are on TV every Saturday night are role models who impact the lives of others and I decided right then and there that I was going to do everything in my power to not let this thing beat me. I've always been and tried to be a man's man and tried to show a certain work ethic and I wanted to be in real life some semblance of what I had been able to represent to those wrestling fans. I felt that was my way to give back because people come to wrestling to escape reality and they are able to live their dreams vicariously through you and now they all see one of their heroes fallen and we all have things in life that we can't control but it is what we choose to do with that adversity that really defines us. So I decided that I truly was not ever going to quit or give up and that I was far from perfect and made countless poor judgments and decisions over the past thirty years but no matter what I will not quit and not give up."
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